Maison FLO Beijing
Superbly located on Xiao Yun Lu – just a stone’s throw from the French embassy and near the Lido area – Maison FLO is thrilled to be continuing its traditions. A stand-alone building designed entirely by FLO visionaries, the stone exterior, cut glass windows and lush garden grounds immediately compose a singular and stunning Beijing venue.

Maison FLO Tianjin
Mirroring the century of culinary success Maison FLO has enjoyed, this building is itself over 100 years old. It was the heritage of Zeng Guofan’s family, a key General of the Xiang Army in the Qing dynasty. Stepping through the doors of Maison FLO in Tianjin, you are transported to another era and culture. The interior is stunning, everything centered on the style and the old fashion designs of Art Deco directly taken from “La Belle Eqoque